Der neue Kurswechsel ist da: Von Steuersümpfen und Transparenzwüsten
LuxLeaks, PanamaLeaks, BahamasLeaks – kein Jahr ohne neue Steuerskandale. Doch so groß die mediale Aufregung um mehr oder weniger prominente Namen ist – das dahinterliegende System der Verdunklung und Intransparenz existiert seit Jahrzehnten. Das aktuelle Heft setzt sich u.a. mit folgenden Fragen auseinander: Welche Strategien nutzen Vermögende und Konzerne, um sich ihrem Beitrag zum Gemeinwohl zu entziehen? Welche Länder locken illegale Finanzströme besonders an, welche verlieren dadurch besonders? Und warum ziehen die Regierungen trotz jahrelanger Versprechen bisher nur unzureichende politische Lehren?
Debattenforum: EU Auswege zwischen Austeritätspolitik und Transferunion? Zehn Jahre nach Ausbruch der Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise steht die Auseinandersetzung um die institutionelle Zukunft der EU noch immer ganz im Zeichen der Krisenerfahrung. Hier werden zwei Vorschläge vorgestellt, wie auf europäischer Ebene mit dem Risiko fiskalischer Ungleichgewichte unter den Mitgliedstaaten umgegangen werden könnte.
Das gesamte Inhaltsverzeichnis, Editorial sowie das Debattenforum können Sie hier online lesen; Bestellungen sind hier möglich.
Can the EU still be saved? The implications of a multi-speed Europe Presentation of the EuroMemorandum 2018
Thursday |22.03.2018 | 18:00 | C3 – Centre for International Development, Sensengasse 3, 1090 Vienna
Context and Motivation
Nearly ten years into the crisis, after the EU opted for austerity and deregulation, the member states are still looking for the way out. The repercussions include the rise of ultra-right wing political forces across Europe which feeds into the anti-European popular sentiment they cultivate. Exiting the EU has been gaining ground and will soon be the case for Britain. This represents a turning point in the history of the EU, against an ‚ever closer union‘.
Can the EU still be saved? This is a difficult question indeed. The White Paper on the Future of Europe produced by the European Commission details five scenarios. However, these tend to overlook inherent tensions in Europe, e.g. heightened insecurity relating to labour markets, the role of finance in the post-crisis era, and the rise of a subaltern class across Europe. The EuroMemorandum 2018 critically analyses recent developments in Europe and emphasises the strong need for alternative policies. The economic system imposed in the aftermath of the crisis must be changed through a shared European process. The future of European integration will depend on the deepening of democracy in the interests of stability, solidarity and social justice.
The EuroMemorandum 2018 critically analyses recent economic developments in Europe and emphasises the strong need for an alternative economic policy that is based on the principles of democratic participation, social justice and environmental sustainability.
Download of EuroMemorandum 2018
18:00 | Welcome Address |
18:10 | Presentation of the EuroMemorandum 2018 (Werner Raza, EuroMemo Group) |
18:20 | Input: Four Scenarios for the Future of the EU (Heikki Pattomäki, University of Helsinki, Finland) Roundtable Discussion with: |
Heikki Pattomäki, University of Helsinki Marica Frangakis, EuroMemo Group and Nicos Poulantzas Institute, Athen Peter Herrmann, EuroMemo Group and Max Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy, Munich Moderation: Nikolai Soukup, BEIGEWUM |
09:15 | General Discussion |
20:00 | Wine Reception |
Conference language: English
Marica Frangakis
is a member of the Steering Committee of the EuroMemo Group, a founding member of ATTAC Hellas and a board member of the Nicos Poulantzas Institute in Athens, Greece.
Peter Herrmann
is a member of the Steering Committee of the EuroMemo Group and research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Social Law and Social Policy in Munich, Germany.
Heikki Pattomäki
is professor of world politics at the Department of Political and Economic Studies at the University of Helsinki in Finland.
Werner Raza
is a member of the Steering Committee of the EuroMemo Group and director of ÖFSE – Austrian Foundation for Development Research.
Ingrid Pumpler or
Phone: +43/1/317 40 10–100
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