Özlem Onaran: From the flaws in the EU economic policies to Brexit – what are progressive alternatives?
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Friday | 6 July 2018 | 18:00 – 19:30 | 7 Days Premium Hotel Wien, Europasaal, Hoffingergasse 33 / Ecke Oswaldgasse, 1120 Wien
Even though some EU member states experience economic recovery, the EU is still in a deep structural crisis. Rising economic inequalities within and between the EU member states jeopardize EU integration particularly in the Eurozone area. The shift from labor incomes to capital incomes within the last decades hampered demand and resulted in low investment and growth. Austerity measures fostered by the EU put further pressure on welfare states and worsened the situation of those hit hardest by the crisis.
Against this background right-wing populist parties gained significance and increased their influence. With Britain leaving the EU integration-crisis reached a new low and raised concerns that Brexit could act as a role model for other countries. But what are the consequences of the Brexit for people working in the UK? Does it increase the space for alternative economic policies? What are the flaws in the EU economic policies? What alternatives are existing and are they feasible on a European scale?
Özlem Onaran is Professor of Economics at the University of Greenwich and the director of the Greenwich Political Economy Research Centre
Welcome remarks: Sebastian Schublach, Karl-Renner-Institut
Moderation: Keîl Lingnau
Please register at the homepage of the Karl-Renner-Institute: http://www.renner-institut.at/programm
Außerdem stellt sie am 6.07. von 12:30 ‑13:00 auf der WU (Raum: D4.0.047) das Plurale Masterprogramm an ihrer Uni in Greenwich vor. Bei Interesse einfach vorbeikommen!