2018 Juni – BEIGEWUM

Archiv für Juni 2018

Özlem Onaran: From the flaws in the EU economic policies to Brexit – what are progressive alternatives?

22. Juni 2018 – 10:08 Uhr

Here you can fin­de the video from the lecture.

Fri­day | 6 July 2018 | 18:00 – 19:30 | 7 Days Pre­mi­um Hotel Wien, Euro­pa­saal, Hoff­in­ger­gas­se 33 /​ Ecke Oswald­gas­se, 1120 Wien


Even though some EU mem­ber sta­tes expe­ri­ence eco­no­mic reco­very, the EU is still in a deep struc­tu­ral cri­sis. Rising eco­no­mic ine­qua­li­ties wit­hin and bet­ween the EU mem­ber sta­tes jeo­par­di­ze EU inte­gra­ti­on par­ti­cu­lar­ly in the Euro­zo­ne area. The shift from labor inco­mes to capi­tal inco­mes wit­hin the last deca­des ham­pe­red demand and resul­ted in low invest­ment and growth. Aus­teri­ty mea­su­res fos­te­r­ed by the EU put fur­ther pres­su­re on wel­fa­re sta­tes and worsened the situa­ti­on of tho­se hit har­dest by the crisis.

Against this back­ground right-wing popu­list par­ties gai­ned signi­fi­can­ce and incre­a­sed their influ­ence. With Bri­tain lea­ving the EU inte­gra­ti­on-cri­sis reached a new low and rai­sed con­cerns that Bre­x­it could act as a role model for other coun­tries. But what are the con­se­quen­ces of the Bre­x­it for peop­le working in the UK? Does it incre­a­se the space for alter­na­ti­ve eco­no­mic poli­ci­es? What are the flaws in the EU eco­no­mic poli­ci­es? What alter­na­ti­ves are exis­ting and are they fea­si­ble on a Euro­pean scale?


Özlem Onar­an is Pro­fes­sor of Eco­no­mics at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Green­wich and the direc­tor of the Green­wich Poli­ti­cal Eco­no­my Rese­arch Centre
Wel­co­me remarks: Sebas­ti­an Schub­lach, Karl-Renner-Institut
Mode­ra­ti­on: Keîl Lingnau


Plea­se regis­ter at the home­page of the Karl-Ren­ner-Insti­tu­te: http://www.renner-institut.at/programm


Außer­dem stellt sie am 6.07. von 12:30 ‑13:00 auf der WU (Raum: D4.0.047) das Plu­ra­le Mas­ter­pro­gramm an ihrer Uni in Green­wich vor. Bei Inter­es­se ein­fach vorbeikommen!


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