Climate-social politics: How to shape a just and emission-free society? – Discussion – BEIGEWUM

Climate-social politics: How to shape a just and emission-free society? – Discussion

am 20. Januar 2022 um 21:35h

Cli­ma­te-social poli­tics: How to shape a just and emis­si­on-free society?

27.1.2022, 1.15 – 2.45 pm, online

When social dimen­si­ons are brought into the cli­ma­te cri­sis dis­cour­se, the achie­ve­ment of both,
social and eco­lo­gi­cal advan­ta­ges, is often framed as con­flic­ting goals. For instance, it is argued
that effec­ti­ve emis­si­on reduc­tion might lead to hig­her rates of unem­ploy­ment or might
incre­a­se fuel pover­ty. Even though the­se argu­ments must be taken serious­ly, this panel
dis­cus­sion wants to advan­ce ano­t­her per­spec­ti­ve which has been recent­ly intro­du­ced in the
book “Cli­ma­te-social poli­tics” ( The book dis­cus­ses how progressive
cli­ma­te-social poli­tics can crea­te fun­da­men­tal impro­ve­ments in our lives –in the eco­lo­gi­cal and
the social dimen­si­ons ali­ke. We draw on the­se insights and will address the fol­lowing questions
in our panel dis­cus­sion: What role does wealth play for effec­ti­ve cli­ma­te poli­tics? How can
social ine­qua­li­ty be addres­sed and how can social poli­tics be lin­ked to cli­ma­te poli­tics? In what
way can we shape bud­get and tax poli­tics to make them cli­ma­te friendly?

Katha­ri­na Boh­nen­ber­ger is a socio-eco­lo­gi­cal eco­no­mist at the Insti­tu­te for Socio-Eco­no­mics of
the Uni­ver­si­ty of Duisburg-Essen.Marlene Engel­horn is advo­ca­ting for tax jus­ti­ce for tax­me­now and also part of a group of
young peop­le with wealth figh­t­ing for redis­tri­bu­ti­on of wealth, land and power after the model
of Resour­ce Generation.
Hen­drik Thei­ne is a post­doc­to­ral rese­ar­cher at the Depart­ment of Eco­no­mics at the Vienna
Uni­ver­si­ty of Eco­no­mics and Business.
Kata­ri­na Vrti­ka­pa is an eco­no­mist and board mem­ber of BEIGEWUM.

Mode­ra­ti­on: Chris­ti­na Plank is a post­doc­to­ral rese­ar­cher at the Insti­tu­te for Development
Rese­arch at Uni­ver­si­ty of Natu­ral Resour­ces and Life Sci­ence, Vien­na (BOKU).

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